I personally jump at the chance to enter Contests. Taking 5 minutes out of your day to possibly win something very cool, seems worthwhile to me. Anyways, my sources tell me Alternative Press is offering a few music related contests. You should probably check them out.
Win an Autographed Acoustic Guitar and a Equal Vision Records/MerchNow Cd Prize Pack from Dustin Kensrue
Enter to win a custom painted/signed guitar from The Stranger's Six and a year's subscription to Alternative Press Magazine! One winner will receive a custom/signed guitar by The Stranger's Six, a year's subscription to AP, a poster of the band, and a copy of the new album A Date With Daylight!
Enter to win the opportunity to become a band photographer for one night on the upcoming Shadows Fall tour. Enter to win a camera and a photo pass, and your best picture(s) will be featured in/on Alternative Press!
Buckcherry is giving away everything! Enter to win autographed CDs and t-shirts. Five winners will be selected.
Good Luck!