It's been a while. I went away on break, have come back to school for a week, and now have final exams coming up. So while I should have been learning and studiing, I've been doing what anyone in my position would do and have been writing music instead. Since I've last posted, we've written two more songs... One is sort of a story book, fantasyish, fall in love, happily ever after type of song and the other is a song that I've been wanting to write since I've first started writing music... I'm pretty sure we did the idea justice. One thing that I've noticed, and maybe its not just with writing music, but when I first finish a song, to me, it sounds like the best song in the world. The more I listen to the song the better I think it is, and then I hit a wierd plateau. The song all of a sudden sucks. So just like that, all the work we've put in, Stealing Stars, the "storybook song?", and my dream song, all of a sudden suck... and then I realized that the stuff I was listening to were rough drafts. I was comparing my work to my favorite artists, and obviously our rough demos aren't going to match up with their professionally produced masterpieces. Just something for any aspiring artists to think about when writing your own music. And also, after listening back again, I realized that all I need to do is tweak a few things everything we've done will get so much better. I can't wait to get into the studio over christmas break.
Listening To: Escape the Fate, "The Ransom"
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